House of Flying Daggers (2004)

Directed by Zhang Yimou. Starring Zhang Ziyi, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Andy Lau, Song Dandan. [PG-13]

Glorious wuxia fantasy set during the decline of the Tang Dynasty, with two police officers (Lau, Kaneshiro) trying to bring down a cabal of rebel assassins and thieves called the House of Flying Daggers; they do so by targeting a blind dancer (Zhang) believed to be a member. Sweeping, epic martial arts romance paints its emotions in bold strokes, bursting with passion and melodrama, but the filmmakers also nail the intimate and elegant details. Simplistic storytelling and characterizations are overwhelmed by a sumptuous feast of vibrant color and striking imagination, plus several truly graceful and creative action scenes; it’s a movie that only makes sense on the most basic of terms, an interconnected series of sequences that can be marveled at without language, context or purpose (even if someone hates to read subtitles, they can turn ‘em off and still probably be able to follow along). Every aspect of the production and technical work is just about perfect, but Zhao Xiaoding’s photography and Shigeru Umebayashi’s sumptuous music warrant special merit. Part of an informal wuxia trilogy for the director, the others being Hero and Curse of the Golden Flower.


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