Arthur (2011)

Directed by Jason Winer. Starring Russell Brand, Greta Gerwig, Helen Mirren, Jennifer Garner, Geraldine James, Nick Nolte, Luis Guzmán, Jennie Eisenhower. [PG-13]

Remake of the 1981 hit comedy tells the same story of a rich drunk (Brand) who must choose between love and money with surprisingly scant contemporary polish or flair. Mileage will vary depending on one’s fondness for the star’s antics—a little of him can go a long way—especially since the role is tailored around his persona instead of the actor being tailored for the role. Just enough funny lines scattered about to make it tolerable, but not even the supporting players do much to fill out the tired stretches—Mirren goes through the arch motions as Arthur’s nanny, Garner is miscast as Arthur’s she-devil of a fiancée, Gerwig’s love interest is a scattered free-spirit who doesn’t gel with the formulaic script, etc. Evander Holyfield cameos as himself.


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