Girl Shy (1924)

Directed by Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor. Starring Harold Lloyd, Jobyna Ralston, Richard Daniels, Carlton Griffin, Judy King, Nola Luxford.

Namby-pamby tailor’s apprentice Lloyd gets so nervous around women that he stutters, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to publish a guide he’s written about how to successfully woo women. Frisky silent laffer isn’t in the star’s top tier, focusing more on his romantic relationship with rich girl Ralston than stringing together gut-busting set pieces; the frequency and timing of the gags in the first half are below average, and a few instances of dated attitudes put a damper on the humor. However, Lloyd and Ralston always paired well, and the frenetic final act (an extended madcap race to stop a wedding involving motor vehicles, horses, a streetcar, etc.) is a riot. Look for a few of the original Our Gang/Little Rascals tykes as extras and bit players.


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