Unlawful Entry (1992)

Directed by Jonathan Kaplan. Starring Kurt Russell, Ray Liotta, Madeleine Stowe, Roger E. Mosley, Ken Lerner, Deborah Offner, Andy Romano, Carmen Argenziano, Sherrie Rose. [R]

Another in the line of domestic paranoia thrillers that were all the rage in the early-90s; here, Russell and Stowe, unsettled by a break-in, befriend one of the responding officers (Liotta), who turns out to be a psycho with designs on the pretty wife. Like the similar-minded Pacific Heights before it, effective at demonstrating ways in which the system is designed to fail innocent citizens victimized by those with the wits or authority to exploit the laws/rules. The familiar elements are all in place here (especially lapses in credibility), and Kaplan hits them all with satisfying professionalism, though the script and direction rarely elevate from the routine. Russell and Stowe do okay in the thankless victim roles, but live-wire Liotta can always be counted on to bring more to a screw-loose rageaholic role than needed. The standard-order violent climax disappoints. Look fast for Djimon Hounsou as an arrestee briefly seen sitting next to Russell.


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