Talk to Me (2007)

Directed by Kasi Lemmons. Starring Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Taraji P. Henson, Martin Sheen, Cedric the Entertainer, Vondie Curtis Hall, Mike Epps, Alison Sealy-Smith. [R]

The life of Ralph “Petey” Greene (Cheadle) feels made for cinematic depiction: a smooth-talking ex-con who likes to “keep it real” lands a job as DJ in Washington D.C. during the turbulent 1960s and becomes an overnight success (if it was a fictional character churned out by Hollywood, the phrase “lacking in credibility” would be thrown around willy-nilly). Period recreations and soundtrack selections are choice, Cheadle is fabulous, and Ejiofor does solid work as well-meaning-but-exploitative manager Dewey Hughes, but Petey’s rise-and-fall is oversimplified, and he all but fades from sight during the home stretch. Although the vibe that the galvanizing DJ exudes is magnetic, the script doesn’t explore the themes and feelings behind it that captured a share of the era’s zeitgeist. Cheadle co-executive produced.


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