Screamers (1996)

Directed by Christian Duguay. Starring Peter Weller, Andrew Lauer, Jennifer Rubin, Roy Dupuis, Charles Powell, Ron White, Michael Caloz. [R]

Expanded but fairly faithful re-telling of Philip K. Dick’s short story “Second Variety” (by Dan O’Bannon, with a rewrite by Miguel Tejada-Flores), set on a mining planet reduced to an irradiated wasteland following a war between rival conglomerates, where lethal, self-replicating robots nicknamed “screamers” move just below the surface to attack all living beings. Smarter than the average B-picture, atmospheric and sporadically suspenseful, full of intriguing throwaway details (e.g., smoking anti-radiation cigarettes to combat radiation poisoning in the lungs). Weller’s rugged, squinting inscrutability is perfectly suited for the weary Alliance commander at the center of the story. Budgetary limitations, undistinguished direction, and a botched climax prevent the film from reaching its full potential, however. Followed over a decade later by a straight-to-DVD sequel.


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