Watership Down (1978)

Directed by Martin Rosen. Starring (voices) John Hurt, Michael Graham Cox, Richard Briers, John Bennett, Roy Kinnear, Zero Mostel, Harry Andrews, Simon Cadell, Terence Rigby, Denholm Elliott, Mary Maddox, Richard O’Callaghan, Hannah Gordon, Nigel Hawthorne, Ralph Richardson, Derek Griffiths, Joss Ackland. [PG]

Dark, mature animated film based on Richard Adams’ novel depicting the grueling efforts of a group of rabbits escaping an apocalyptic vision and trying to find a new home in the English countryside, threatened on all fronts by predators, traps, human destruction, even fellow rabbits of a cruel and totalitarian nature. Creative, distinct animation style is inconsistent and suffers in motion, and the character design could have used more variety (even if that meant sacrificing a measure of verisimilitude). The allegorical weight, storytelling, and details are where the film triumphs, leaving a deep impression with its unsentimental approach to horrors and tragedy…and, yes, perseverance. Not recommended for young children, but even those older viewers who are prone to dismiss animated films (for being “cutesy” or otherwise) should give it a chance. Later adapted into alternate forms of media, including a stage play, radio dramatizations, and multiple television series. Mostel’s final film.


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