A Prairie Home Companion (2006)

Directed by Robert Altman. Starring Garrison Keillor, Meryl Streep, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Kline, Woody Harrelson, John C. Reilly, Lindsay Lohan, Virginia Madsen, Maya Rudolph, Tim Russell, L. Q. Jones, Sue Scott, Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Keith, Marylouise Burke. [PG-13]

It’s usually a pleasure to see Robert Altman do what he does best—a mosaic of lived-in character types mingling among each other at a very specific time and place generating its own vivid texture—but the subject he’s chosen for his final film is bound to divide the audience in ways that his past efforts of this type haven’t (I don’t listen to country music, but rarely did I find Nashville less than compelling). As the title gives away, this movie is a fictionalized recreation of the well-known public radio variety show, both “live” and behind the scenes, with the only engine driving this thing being the unhurried need to put on a show (the final show, in fact); even with a live audience on hand to react to it, they may as well be performing for each other within an insular bubble of gentle self-congratulation. There are also otherworldly touches (e.g., Madsen plays a literal angel who was a fan of the show when she was human), but they never become credible threads in the lackadaisical film’s fabric. Brief episodes stand out for their meditative truth and homespun whimsy, but despite a strong cast and mise en scène that certainly feels authentic, it ultimately comes down to how you react to the program’s style of dry, corny, self-satisfied entertainment—if you’re a fan of Garrison Keillor (allegations notwithstanding) and his brand of humor and second-run Twain-isms, this thing will be like a warm blanket around your shoulders on a cold winter night, but if you’re not, you’ll need to exercise patience waiting for the infrequent inspired moments to emerge. Veteran character actor L. Q. Jones’ final film role.


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