Black Caesar (1973)

Directed by Larry Cohen. Starring Fred Williamson, Art Lund, D’Urville Martin, Gloria Hendry, Philip Roye, William Wellman Jr., Minnie Gentry, Julius Harris, Val Avery, Myrna Hansen. [R]

Liberal, blaxploitation-adjacent updating of Little Caesar in 1970s Harlem, with Williamson as a hood who builds himself an empire, crosses the Mafia and a degenerate racist cop (Lund). Rough, violent gangster picture will fit the bill for less discriminating crime epic devotees, especially fans of the star’s stylish but ruthless take on a Mr. Big type, but crude direction and a few amateurish performances prevent this one from ever breaking out. Solid soundtrack from James Brown (with considerable input from Fred Wesley), includes “The Boss” and “Down and Out in New York City.” Followed by Hell Up in Harlem later the same year, which conveniently ignores the ending to this movie.


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