Kill and Kill Again (1981)

Directed by Ivan Hall. Starring James Ryan, Michael Mayer, Anneline Kriel, Jon Ramsbottom, Ken Gampu, Norman Robinson, Marloe Scott Wilson, Bill Flynn, Stan Schmidt, Michelle Feher. [PG]

Sorta-sequel to Kill or Be Killed has slightly better production values (less intolerable, that is), slightly less insane plot (potato juice mind control, sure, but not a single Hitler fantasy to be found), and an incredible tagline (“He’s not one of the best. He is the best!”). Despite not having a lovable dwarf henchman like the first production—Chico, you are missed—this outing makes do with a main baddie (Mayer) who wears a fake beard and puts up with a constant string of pet names given to him by his right hand (wo)man, a Pink cosplayer called Minerva (Wilson). Ryan again plays a guy named Steve (Steve Chase, to be exact, though he was previously Steve Hunt), gets involved in a bunch of amateurish martial arts fights, has a love interest (Kriel) but makes no effort to actually exhibit romantic interest, eventually wins the day (spoiler alert?). Entirely awful, but amusingly so, at least. One of Roger Ebert’s guilty pleasure movies.


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