Seven Chances (1925)

Directed by Buster Keaton. Starring Buster Keaton, Snitz Edwards, T. Roy Barnes, Ruth Dwyer, Frances Raymond, Jean Arthur.

Keaton is set to inherit $7 million, but only if he gets married by 7pm the same day he finds out; after blowing his chance with his sweetheart, his partner and lawyer persuade him to proposition whomever he can find! Only mildly amusing in the early going, it starts to pick up steam in the second half and builds to a riotous series of sight gags and stunts after a stampede of brides chase him all across town. The sequence where he’s dodging and outrunning an avalanche of boulders is particularly memorable. Not in the same league as Keaton’s greatest work—the story is thin beyond the high concept premise and there’s no emotional attachment to the protagonist for the audience to care about his plight—but still highly recommended viewing for fans of The Great Stone Face or silent comedy in general.


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