The Comic (1969)

Directed by Carl Reiner. Starring Dick Van Dyke, Michele Lee, Mickey Rooney, Cornel Wilde, Pert Kelton, Nina Wayne, Barbara Heller, Steve Allen, Ed Peck, Gavin MacLeod.

Taking a cue from Sunset Boulevard, Van Dyke’s silent-film star narrates his life from beyond the grave, presenting himself as a real talent and a real s.o.b., but everyone has their own side to the story. Sincere, but no real insight, and its recreation of the era and industry isn’t always convincing. Curiously, Van Dyke doing misanthropy is more compelling than Van Dyke doing slapstick and schtick; “cockeyed” Rooney squeezes a surprising amount of life out of a cardboard role. Towards the end, Van Dyke distractingly takes on a dual role by also playing his character’s grown-up son, a small performance that’s as emotionally artificial as the average two-reeler hero. Some of the silent comedy routine tributes are quite winning. Reiner has a bit part, and Allen plays himself.


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