Scary Movie (1991)

Directed by Daniel Erickson. Starring John Hawkes, Suzanne Aldrich, Jason Waller, Ev Lunning, Virginia Pratt, Mark Voges, Zane Rockenbaugh.

This flagrant case of false advertising stars newcomer Hawkes as a socially-awkward nerd on a blind double date at a haunted house amusement park where he begins to suspect that there’s a murderous loony-on-the-loose inside. Stilted filmmaking and crude performances abound, which might make this peculiar low-budget offering potential fodder for cult adulation, but it’s also quite dull for long stretches; therefore, no better than a curio for the most dedicated of completists. A few instances of quirky humor and modestly effective atmosphere, but tedium sets in far more frequently; the tagline states “Fear is a State of Mind,” but so is REM sleep. Erickson and Hawkes would reteam about two decades later for the only other feature film that Erickson ever directed (Eve’s Necklace). Butch Patrick (of “The Munsters” fame) has a small part.


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